Tuesday, October 22, 2013

To all of you out there - thank you for your support!!!

Hi to all of you out there,
As you have already heard and read, we had to abort the swim about 2/3 of the way from Cyprus to Israel, due to adverse sea conditions.
The decision was a tough one to make, since all of the swimmers were still in great shape even after more than 60 hours, including one shift against 1.5-2 meter waves.

However, it became too dangerous for boarding
the boat at the end of each shift, not to mention the need to swim further away from the boat, with the risk of it losing sight of the swimmer in the darkness. 
We know we made the right decision, since the sea kept building up to over 3 meters and 25 knot cross wind. We came out stronger than before and already planning on a second attempt...

We would like to thank all the people who supported us:
All the sponsors: High5 Israel, Sepa and Orca Israel, Tashut, PLymedia and Aqua Sphere.
Special thanks to Ronit Alroy as well as hundreds of you who had donated through our site.

Great appreciation and thanks to those who have inspired us to do this:  
2. The Ventura Deep Six who set a world record in 2010 with a 202 miles relay swim
3. The Night Train Swimmers who currently hold the world record with 228 miles relay swim

Some more pictures can be found here.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Welcoming the Swimmers & Crew

Hi Everyone,
If you'd like to say hello upon our return to solid land, it will be great to see you at 4pm today at the Marina of the Kishon, Haifa. (Click for directions)


Friday morning. Breaking news from our guys in the water:
We stopped the swim. It became unsafe due to the storm. We are heading to Haifa port. ETA 5PM. Thanks for the huge support everyone!!!
 — atCyprus Isreal Swim.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Official Update Wednesday Afternoon - Hello Darkness My Old Friend

No land in site. Actually, nothing in site. No interactions with "wild animals" (jellyfish, sharks) yet. 150 km from Limasol, 26 km / swimmer 95 km to Nahariya.
Good sea conditions with strong current against us, slowing our ground speed significantly, influencing expected time of arrival in Herzelia (don't know yet). Storm expected to hit us Friday.
During the night it's always challenging to fight the boredom. We introduced a new technique of counting strokes until the end of the shift. We have two boat guests - a bird that adopted us called Jenya and a cleaning fish swimming under the boat called Amir. That's it folks! Talk to you later!

Israeli Radio Interview / גיא זוהר מרדיו 103 מראיין את עודד רהב ביום ד' - יום שני למשחה

Oded Rahav, one of the swimmers in a Hebrew interview on Israeli radio 103FM on Wednesday 16.10.13
עודד רהב, שחיין מס' 2 בסדר השוחים, מתראיין באמצעות טלפון לווייני אצל גיא זוהר ברדיו 103 ומשתף בחויות מעל הסיפון ומתחתיו. לראיון המלא

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Links to Cyprus-Israel Swim Website and Facebook Page

Cyprus-Israel website
Cyprus-Israel Relay Swim Facebook page
Thanks for your support!

First 24 Hours of the Swim

Good morning!
No more land in sight. First 24 hrs in the swim almost completed. We started yesterday at 11:19 AM, 36 nautical miles on course. So far we can report great sunset, great sun rise and full moon swim. 2 day swims and 2 night swims behind each swimmer. Looks good.
Thanks everyone for your support!

יום שלישי, כמה דקות לפני השעה 12 בצהריים, ואודי, יוזם המשחה והמבוגר בחבורה, הוא השחיין הראשון במים ו...מתחילים :)

Monday, October 14, 2013

1 Day to Go... Oded Rahav interview with Guy Zohar

1 Day to go - Oded explains about weather forecast and the last swim course rectifications.
What kind of equipment needed etc..

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Guy Zohar interviewing Oded Rahav

Oded explains about the swim from Cyprus to Israel.
Oded is more concerned about the shores's real-estate sharks than the sharks in the sea..


Training session near Israeli shore

We decided to go out to the sea even though the sea condition was 2 meter high waves.
The objectives were to simulate and to test ourselves in such sea condition.
We wanted to clear out some of the uncertainties we are dealing with:
1. How do we feel in such sea.
2. How should we approach the Yacht from the sea.
3. Swim for 1 hour with stick lights in complete darkness.
4. Test the safty measures taken to follow up the swimmer.
More pictures can be found here

Sunday, September 29, 2013